Monday, May 31, 2010

No Electricity?

Prompt: Electricity is a recent discovery. Think of 12 things to do when there is no power.
Here we go....

12 Things to do without power:
  1. Reading cool books under the sun
  2. Mountain Climbing: starting from small mountains to large ones
  3. Banana Boat Rafting (with life jackets): The banana boats look really cool
  4. Scuba diving with sharks and whales.
  5. Parasailing over the blue, blue oceans
  6. Bungee jumping (if one has the guts.. I don't) from the "Bridge to Nowhere", California
  7. Surfing on a wave
  8. Biking in the Metroparks
  9. Going on a jog at 5 am!
  10. Swimming in the beach (Perhaps, a beach in Florida?)
  11. Cook to eat more
  12. Invent Electricity!
None of these require electricity. Some of them might need fuel for their machines, but that's about it. How cool!

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