Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A letter to my ten your old self!

Hey little girl,

This is the older you writing to you. Being older than you, I believe it is important to give you some pointers and to share some of my experiences with you. Doing so would make your life the way you want it to be. You are ten years old, living in Chennai, India, with your family and friends, and without a hint about your future. One thing I know about you that there are certain little things that you are proud of; such as you have never moved from a city to another and that you have not even switched schools this far. Well, let me tell you this. When you are in grade 9, you will move to America. You will be moving to not just a different school and city but to a different country and you know what, you will be even more proud of yourself for moving to a new country and facing new things. So, when that situation arises, don't worry about anything at all. Infact, I remember that my (meaning your's) first reaction when the situation was put forward was, "yes, let us move to America". Trust me, it was an awesome decision and I believe that you should take that decision too.
This is one of the greatest things you will undergo until atleast you are 16 and a half years old, so listen up. It will be a very difficult time. You will have to get used to so many new things: new friends (by the way, you get two awesome best friends and many other cool friends), new lifestyle, new food, etc., but you will definitely get used to it. Infact, you will enjoy a lot of those changes. I am not saying you will enjoy every single change and difference that you will face, but you will definitely learn to love those little things too.
It will be a time that changes your personality into a more outgoing and bold one than before. There will be times when you feel insecure and times when you feel out of place, during those times I suggest that you speak to your parents. They will be of great help even though you might not think they would. But I can assure you that after everytime you speak with them, you will realize this. And, about your sister: ofcourse you guys will fight but she will truly be a darling. You guys will support each other a lot. You know, one good thing about moving will be how close your family will grow into. Trust me, it will be fun! Your settling time after this big move will take over 2 to 3 years but it will a time of great experience.
You know what little girl, everything will be fine. I know it will. There is nothing to worry about. Also, an important tip I want to tell you is that you should not be tensed. The changes you face will lead you to being tensed but it doesn't help. Your strength is your hard work and confidence. Don't ever let your confidence dip. At times, I did but I overcame looking back at every acheivement I did after moving to America. Many people who were born and brought up here have not done so much. So, don't ever let your confidence dip. Your life will sail smoothly!
There is so much more to say to you but this one letter is not enough. Maybe I will write more often to you, but remember, you are awesome!!

The Older You
P.S. - SORRY IF IT IS TOO SERIOUS. I will talk about all the awesome fun stuff of your life in the next letter(like rolar coasters and sledding).

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